The Shaman's Pain Journey Dr E will chronicle his adventures through bodily pain in this life time. It is uneccesary for the story to relate to himself...moreover, it can be a roadmap which others would see and perhaps be inspired in their own journeys by. The emphasis can be on the modalities that he found as his motivation became severe. They are many and morever, he found ways of using them alternatively in integrations to optimize benefits not unlike a "bat-utility belt." Becuase as a crime fighter, He saw good teams lose inexplicably and at the same time, He saw his own vessel deterioriating in various ways, He chose to get a deeper understanding. These insights also lead him to see a riggged game and he began his Captain Kirk-like scrub of the "Kobayashi Meru*" ...a game rigged is a game to be hacked! The Robin Hood story applies as well! The crucible of pain as motivation not really an was just a way...his way at the time, in this case. As a shamanic hunter, he understands vulnerabilities and proclivites and so forth intensely by necessity, and by mission orientation, quite frankly. They are expressions though of subtle universal issues... that arise from harms...traumas..."stemming from childhood"...moreover, usually, stemming from past lives. Dr E will include a link to a web page in which he is simply pointing to the content of the link not to the entire web page, etc. Yes, Dr E saw that the web page was compromised but the data here is still intensely valuable. If one and all could start using a chart like this instead of "Ill call my Doctor and My Health plan advisr" ... "we" as a population might start to veer of the path of leming catastrophe, etc. Dr E has just noted that there are many sources of "Subtle Energetic Causes of Pain" sites and sources available now. He highly recommends a transverse of them all to form each individual;s own synchrniozied integral that the Observer is always Sovereign. E. Tolle speaks of "The Pain Body" so very convincingly as well, btw. And, to the overall...the "General Concensus," ... the "collective consciousness" of C. Jung... et cetera ... the parallel is offered. "We" can see ourselves as Temples wherein Light lives... and we can see our World as Temple where Light lives as well. And, indeed... the world's collective pain, like Dr E's, had to go to excruciating before it would begin its redress. That many lifetimes may have gone by without achiieving freedom form pain...and this includes all forms of it BTW... is an assumption that Dr E will say all actual shaman people share. SEw then, what can be different this time? These considerations really can define the escape from oppression and control states, individual/collective and micro/macro, as One. * Today's subtle superheroes may in fact draw their superpowers from MOUNT MERU...but that little synchro is another story perhaps. CAUSAL SYMPTOMS PSYCHOEMOTIVE SHOCK * CHRONIC ANXIETY FROM DISBELIEF * OUTSIDER MENTALITY DEVIATIONS * PSYCHO-ECONOMICAL DEVIATIONS * RELATIONAL CHALLLENGES * SOUL LESSONS DIAGNOSABLE AS MENTAL CONDITIONS * PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS * SHOULDER INJURIES * NECK INJURIES * CHRONIC PHYSICAL PAIN * CHRONIC PSYCHOEMOTIVE AGONIZATION * HYPER ACUTE DEFENSE MODE AS "NORMAL" = CONDITION ORANGE * MENTAL. PHYSICAL, AND SPIRITUIAL FATIGUE * THIRD DIMENSIONAL CHALLENGES ASSOCITED WITH THE FALL/CLIMB HEALING MODALITIES: EXERCISE * MARTIAL ARTS* MASSAGE* MYOFASCIAL MASSAGE* BOWEN* ACUPRESSURE*ACUPUNTCURE*CHIRPORACTICS*PHSYCIAL THERAPY * JOINT MOBILIZATION THERAPY * SOFT TISSUE MOBILIZATION * PHYSICAL REHABILITATION * THERAPEUTIC EXERCISE FOUNDATIONS AND TECHNIQUES * TAI CHI * QI GONG * CHI KUNG * YOGA * MEDITATION * GUIDED MDITATION * SHAMANIC MEDITATION * SHAMANIC AND SUBLE HEALING * NATURE * ANIMALS AND BIRDS * MORE