Dr E is clearing out the AlexandriaofEngbeck Librarium from FB "Spiritual Liberation" page-group over to the web page. The excerpt write up with pics was 36 comment posts:
"NOTE from "Doc": Each time, "time after time," that I think I can bear down on one essentially valuable and worthy subject....which, btw, today would be Chi Kung the ancient and secret form ... another astounds the senses. MsDale once again cements the truth with her vast "labrary" and shares. We just try and keep up! Hoora!"
CHALLENGE. The Nature of Energy. Forces. Chronic illness from traumas unresolved. Energy awareness. Stress and the physical anatomy. Subtle anatomy and stress. Physical-Subtle interaction and stress. Roles...grieving and codependency. Foundational techniques. Healing trauma. Subtle healing. The traumas overcome translate to newfound strengths.
Dale (2020) describes people as energy. She describes 2 kinds of energy basically, physical and subtle. She offers that humans are actually a mix of Clay and Earth materials, Soul, Light, and Sound. She points at honoring our feelings which substantiate into miasma within the energetic bodily system or harmful "stuck spots." These cause lessons and suffering to repeat or desist depending on the actor and actions. This is "The Way" to Freedom.
Trauma and Challenge. Trauma causes Challenge. Initial and subsequent challenges. Ecological, Physical, Microbial. Epigenetic/Genetic. Psycho. Addictions. Aging. Financial relations. Grief. Challenges are energetic causes disharmony with our self. Chronic issues sources.
ENERGY FORMS ... Physical and Subtle. QUANTUM. QUANTA. Quantum science does allow for a "true-er" Reality. Quantum science underlies classic science! Quantum science underlies classic science! Quantum science underlies classic science! FOUNDATIONALLY. Subtle Reality into Physical Reality by "Vote." MATTER IS SIMPLY SLOWED DOWN NRG. MRG's can lodge in wounds. Study here to be able to identify and combat NRG's that have proved harmful. REAL-EYES THE TRUTH OF TWO INTERELATING ANATOMIES.
Dale refers to the original energetic signature of each being and how through auric and chakric exploration, one can clear traumas caused by obfuscation of the ORIGINAL ESSENCE. The diseases and dysfunctions that we carry ... are caused by the conflation of our inner true self's communication with our functional selves.
Recommended Additional Resources (Cyndi Lauper "Time After Time" )
References and Bibliography ( Pp 289-298 )