Dr E is clearing out the AlexandriaofEngbeck Librarium from FB "Spiritual Liberation" page-group over to the web page. The excerpt write up with pics was 7 comment posts:
Jason Louv is a fine research scientist-author whose many books are keen and insightful true tools for the current actual now. JL's works here track John Dee through his imperial strategems, his intelligence works (Spy v Spy in a mad mad world...), his incredible scientific breakthroughs, and , of course, his "Enochian Magicks." Louv inspirinlgy proposes that John Dee was the singular energetic force, if there has been one that indeed and in deeds,...drove the world fundamentally. His followers include but are not limited to Sir Francis Bacon, The 17th Century Rosicrucians, and the 19th and 20th century "occult" revivals by such as Crowley, Parsons, LaVey, and the others. Louv asserts that it was John Dee who brought the world into occultism through Great Brittain versus Nazi Germany.
Louv discusses the mass hypnosis of today with the soulless billions gravitizing the world into abyss ... as manifest outcome of the prophetic biblical warning of an overfull hell. He suggests that the human is recalcitrant to the point of self genocide and calls the current "manifesto" as "The Choronzon." The Choronzon is offered as the condition of shattered reflection of life on Earth where a cackling pseudo god human sits on a false throne capitualting the pleasures of being consumed at the soul level. The Messiah-Angelic forces are pressed to alter the course where angels have fallen to empire.
JOHN DEE and the EMPIRE of ... ANGELS. (Louv, 2018) Inner Traditions Publications.
A SUBLUNARY WORLD. John Dee worked for Queen Elizabeth and with Edward Kelly. He held regualar conversations with The Angels. He found an original language "spoken" before the fall. He developed a complex mathematical system to enahnce communications with The Angels.
They sought the "Apocalypse."
This has been centrally foundational to the last 500 years of 'western" expansion. Dee invented the phrase "British Empire." He sought to manifest a new Christian tradition for The Second Coming to unite all of humankind.
Becuase of Dee and Keller and their works, the world has: Modern science was birthed, secret societies, Israel, and the space program.
The "secret history" of the world... to reverse the fall of humankind.
NEW EDEN AND APOCALYPSE. The ANGELIC SYSTEM influenced ROSICRUCIANISM, FREEMASONRY, THE GOLDEN DAWN, PARSONS, CROWLEY, and became a cornerstone in human consstruction fo their world. The romans took Messianic wisdoms as has protestant dissension into a global "empire' of Angels. * His works brought insight and affilation from and with the Natiobnal security Agency of America. He was and is a "Rand Corporation" facsimile. New domains of learning, previosusly taboo ones, and explorative science all about, gained critical momentum. He has remained Opaque as a founder, etc...becuase he was a great "generalist." Wishful thinking or "Empire?" the evidence is long since "in." Called "Enochian Magic' by others and not Dee...btw... and though the few that have dared his works as a separate path are few and often slanted in the demographies. To criticize Dee and singulalrly point to "occultisim" is erroneous. He was about Angels... and this book seeks a BALANCED UNITY to truly comprehend the truth of matters. The western history of civilization is over ripe with Dee's influences and yet, its TRUE NATURE is MISTOLD.
Tigre El : A Psy op...for any welltrained Master can easily see the oxymoronic conflicts in the title alone... EMPIRE and ANGELS are oppositional...absolutely. Angels operate in a HIERARCHY OF REPONSIBILITY. Angel team does not wield power over... and so opens the mystery of John Dee, perhaps a triple agent. I 'see" John as an eventual exposer...and this long long posthumously. Hmmm. Like the atom bomb, "Enochian magic" on current Keystone Earth...has been used for the worst and most vile curruptions of the human state and yet shows clearly that the condition is mutable... Bam! Photo credits: https://www.quora.com/Is-it-true-that-angels-in-the-Bible...
References and Bibliography (Pp 464-528 )
Json Louv, Author/Researcher