"Our Earth Sacred Sites are some of the most intriguing spaces on our planet. One just needs to be physically present to experience higher phenomenon, connection to something outer worldly and to even spontaneously have out of body experiences.
A powerful charge may come from above or below depending on the site and the portal entrance point. Many speak about portals and accept they are true but what is it a portal to? And the most incredible thing is our human body is a microcosm to the Earth sacred sites, song lines and portals. We have our own energy map of sacred organ sites, meridian lines and chakra portals.
I’ve been receiving downloads about Gaza as one of the main portals or stargates on Earth. Portals are always coveted by both benevolent and malevolent forces from an astral and galactic perspective as it’s an entry point into the realm of matter. The Astral is the energy or cryptic overlay of Earth - think about what you ‘see’ when you dream. Whilst it is energy, it is still as real as you & I in flesh.
The Holy Land and the fight for who is truly God’s Chosen Ones is the basis for this ongoing battle in Gaza. When the news of this ancient battle erupted again, I had just unfollowed some pious Truthers who were rallying each other along as ‘chosen ones’ as they have been helping awaken many to the Dark Cabal over the last few years. Now caught in their ego, they feel they are chosen leaders and make promises that ‘we are nearly there’. Nearly where I wonder? There is no ‘there’, there is only NOW and life presents all that is required to continue our soul’s evolution. Having said that, I do abide by astrology and galactic law that shows the cycles or epochs of time and it seems we are coming to the end of a galactic cycle where calamities abound in order for souls to activate to either shift into higher dimensions or cycle back through the same dimension, or for some dark hearts, to regress on their timeline into a lower dimension. None of this is right or wrong, rather it is an energetic frequency match to the consciousness of the soul. For those who have cellular memory of the end of Lemuria & Atlantis, you will know what this means.
Any time any person or group feels they are superior, the consciousness becomes ego-based and narcissistic. If a group or individual senses they have done sufficient inner transformation, karmic clearing, and served the collective with a loving heart in order to transmigrate their soul into a more refined frequency bandwidth, they won’t announce it as it’s a very private knowing between themselves and Source. They may still have to clean up karmic debts from past lives and would never arrogantly assume they are shifting bandwidths until they are fully ‘in it’.
The war over the Holy Land as Chosen People is the highest act of narcissism and ego. My way of observing such foulness is to know that somewhere within me is also a conflict between my True Self and Ego Self. If each soul can continue to resolve that inner conflict then perhaps in the macrocosm, peace can ripple out from our conduit, into the earth gridlines, out into the stargates and affect the whole. It is our duty always to continue to shift outer realty from our inner realms. Sometimes when we feel helpless viewing atrocities, it’s all we have."
(Carrie-Anne Fields, 2023)
Absolutely accurate to the 108th power! Abn Amazing Being in Service! https://www.facebook.com/carrieanne.fields/videos/350222870824012