Dr E is clearing out the AlexandriaofEngbeck Librarium from FB "Spiritual Liberation" page-group over to the web page. The excerpt write up with pics was 188 comment posts:
TRUE * John DeSouza = ACTUAL "Mulder" from the popular TV series: "The X Files" * TRUE.
DeSouza discusses a "global conscious imprisonment" that UFO-logy repels by way of Awakening to the actual facts of MultiDimensionality. The physical space programs are not about explorationa nd expansion of the consciousness...they are about resources. The actual UFO phenomenon is not "out there" but ... within!? How? The Gateway to The Cosmos is in the Heart of Hearts and the Pineal Gland...as one, actually. We are NOW free to roam around the universe...we just aren't...well, at least 99% of us so far.
John is talking about a time when he was nearly abducted by Reticulans or Reticulan Clones. His Family called them demons, as was customary then and there where he was. He also discusses astral predation and predators and volunteer abductees. John agrees with me that channeling is not okay.
DeSouza faithfully relates the Truth...THE TRUTH ... that reality is multidimensional. Because humans and western science disbelieve in the truth, they cannot fathom what is actually happening to them. But, like the Ostrich who places head in hole for safety, being ignorant to the Truth does not make it go away. In fact, it gives overmuch power to it.... So that the more dumbing and numbing humans do, the easier for multidimensional creatures to inhabit their bodies and consciousness. Invasion of The Body Snatchers is ...actual. Now...to frame in actual reality... one needs to move beyond 3D perception. In so doing, the first thing to release is the confinement of a deliberately incomplete science. In fact, and the mainstream media does not tell everyone this, we actually do have a physics that encompasses the truth of multidimensionality. We are simply terrified to and/or lonely when we do ...actually embrace the truth of Multidimensionality. Now, the human population does not have time to wait for itself to gather courage to see Truth. If to wait, this time will again be used by the opposition to human life in Earth. The Herald of Life and God cannot abide by the delays. One day, those that hesitate, wrankle, and cajole chaotically and with frenzied apprehensions and resistance beside half smiles quite often ...will see that these conscious actions killed women and children and worse. The time to awaken to the Truth of Multidimensionality is upon us all...its not negotiable. The alternative is death or much worse. Thank you.
John is describing all of the accounts throughout history...recorded and unrecorded...that display the fact of ED's. Caves, Anunnaki, Ezekiel, and Alexander The Great ...all provide historical and highly unassailable testimonies although they would have had NO CHANCE to cross physical paths on Earth.
Decompensation. The many decades of space programs like NASA in the US have gathered very little evidence for all the time and money spent. Some bacteria...ancient signs of water...are not 30 years of funding's marginal return expectation. EPIC vs Epoch ... is where we are. What has been gleaned has gone into Black Ops and Magic Programs...as well perhaps as other benign space and secret space programs. When circulation in the system deteriorates causing exhaustion, DECOMPENSATION occurs. Ignoring religious zealots, "primitive" medicines, and "witchery" has lead to systemic collapse. A human acting in purely material fashion is also known as a "drone." FYI.
Persistent Consciousness. Mass awakening. Matter, Space, time... and the effects of consciousness. Physical fulfillment of a belief. Appearance is the final symptom of the the first condition of belief. Debunkery erases a conscious belief.. whereas some cannot be so debunked for some reason...as in Big Foot and King Arthur. That consciousness drives space, time , and matter is the truth that finally awakens the masses.
Magicks - Partake in Reality. PARTAKE IN REALITY. Being direct with god. Authentic Spirit Fervor. EPIC seeks to irrelevantize ...Potter movies makes magicks incredible. To partake in forming Reality, Magicks are used. EPIC discourages such because a Mass Awakening would ruin their hold in humans. Hollywood and politics are their purview. SHAPING GLOBAL PERCEPTION. Many cajole for placement at the big Boy table and will sell out their own. Discouraging culture by EPIC for cause. There is a pyramid of beings above the pyramid of EPIC elites that control humanity ...or did...for millennia until ,now. They are leaching parasitic entities...not our friends. They use debt on Earth to control and enslave people.
John cites Farrell, a fine champion research writer. He mentions how the film industry and "mainstream narrative" cloak the subtle world in ridiculous shrouds so that no normal thinker CAN see Truth. Then, they run around and cast black Magicks upon the VERY SAME PEOPLE who are baffled by the ploy...basically the normative population of humans on Earth. It is comically ironic but really is not funny any more...especially after they taught humans to eat their own offspring.
John describes how several implants are usually placed at the same time, one to be found, one to not be found. The distractions fail humans and the facts derived are ignored... for example, implants made of meteorite and other elements that don't exist on Earth as humans know it. CARBON NANO TUBES SENTIENT BIO DEVICES. How important is Freedom? The Great Return when this data collection comes into finality.
Disappearing ...abductions. Cultural Conditioning. Banking and Politics. Political leaders who are at the whim of non terrestrial overlords. Transdimensional. ELITE POWERS IN CONTROL (EPIC). SITCHIN WAS RIGHT ABOUT THE ANUS'S...BUT THEY ARE NOT CREATORS, THEY ARE DABBLERS. "Globocrats." Bank and Politics. Political leaders in the West have been working for the Annunaki. Crisis and War ...artificial separations ...the "war on drugs" the "war on homeless" all are just distractions. The EPIC overlords use 2 main tactics: 1. CONTROL OVER LANGUAGE. 2. CONTROL WHAT HUMANS THINK IS REAL.
LANGUAGE CONTROL. Reality construct control. Einstein ...not to solve with the same mind that entered it. Imagination must rise over intellect. Obsequious minds generated chem trails, they cant be used to take them out, for example. Single dimensional thinking cannot solve multi dimensional problem....indeed, only can keep them going! Thousands of year old conscious prisons and yokes. Non physical entities had no bodies although at times have gotten into them across history. The program is to keep humans in their 3d boxes...so they cant fight at multi D...cant even acknowledge. THE QUEST TO PROVE PHYSICAL UFO'S IS A TRICK. NWO suggests that the threat is three D ...a ruse altogether. It is more a location chip than a truth...Certain bloodlines have been chosen to dominate humanity with for millennia. EPIC ...about transgenerational dominance of the human species. SUBJUGATION & CONTROL. Oppressive institutionalism. TRANSIMENSIONAL MODALITIES. primary objective of EPIC is to get as many humans confined to 3d consciousness as possible. WE ARE ENSOULED ...yet they will drive the herds to believe otherwise which would effectively make it true. Spirit - Soul - Material Being... EPIC has no Spirit, trying to get a Soul...yours! The bodies they take at will right now which is also called "mind control."
.L.A.S.M.A.'s ...control is leveraged over the population by linguistic mind control. CODED LANGUAGE ITEMS that when spoken and/or read by the programmed individual, actually***, triggers a real response within their body...and the EPIC = Evil Axis Mind Control Tyrants use this to move the "common herd" from place to place as benefits the plans of E.P.I.C. These people don't even know the triggering occurs...they just attack Truth in response like so many trained NaziAttackDobermanNonDoggz. When triggered, the mind control slave folks attack verbally in public and this Tigre El notes is COMPLETELY WHETHER OR NOT THERE'S A GRAIN O SAND IN THEIR SPINE ...they write these checks that Tigre El and Company must relinquish to the abyss...they sound off like flailing fish to the sharks nearby ...listening for same ...and we of Universal Law really cant ignore the nudge. They ...are ...asking ...for ...it...and which is also a trick you see...since if The Angels "annilihate" them, they become demons...ver' funny, eh? This is why it takes so long to clean your Plane-t, Folks. Its the ClingOns...really.
When triggered bioemotivepsychosomatically, ... The unconcsciously assualt the freedconsciousbeings with the programmed response attacks which are sooooo identical...it just it hard to believe they cant see the idolatrous proxy they become...killerclownpuppets...yo. This begins the roll of name-calling-to-outcast... RIDICULOUS, UNTRUSTWORTHY, MENTALLY UNSTABLE, OBTUSE, & LUNATICS TO BE DISMISSED BY INTELLECTUAL BABBLE AND THE RABBLE THAT PROLONG THEIR FALL WITH IT...
CONSPIRACY THEORISTS, CONSPIRACY BELIEVERS, BIGFOOT BELIEVERS, GHOST HUNTERS, POLTERGEIST HUNTERS, AURA READERS, PSYCHICS, NEW WORLD ORDER RESISTERS, ILLUMINATI, CLEAR HEARERS, SEERS, SHAMANS, PARANORMAL BELIEVERS. Human proxies of the shatanic line. Criminals is the socialhumtag. Which is 180 degrees opposed to The Truth... in Universal Law terms. If ye wish, please try out these words on infected people who were formerly humans being human beings... TRY THESE LABEL/CODE WORDSA on someone you know and "trust" ...you will see the NWO Shatanic Spell take over their mind and body like a swiss watch. "CULTURALLY CONDITIONED MAINSTREAM AUDIENCE" attack word mind control items include but vare not limited to: ANTI GIOVERNMENT, MILITIA MEMBERS, POTENTIAL TERRORISTS, FUNDAMENTALISTS, EXTREMISTS, MARIJUANA USERS, BELIVERS IN THE SUPERNATURAL, UFO BELIEVERS. The keen among us can even "SEE" the "pulsating neon collars" they wear to be controlled with. Even semi-awakened beings are prone to attacking each other because of the implanted triggering in the population. The SIGNALING that EPIC uses and that some 90% of the population is yet infested with... is an archaic language designed by ancient jailers to imprison populations. TRIGGER THE DISMISSAL / FEAR REFLEX is the tactic whenever EPIC needs its shatanic oppression re-buttressed. When you come to realize youve been a toll for shatans to eat and drink the souls of our children, dont commit suicide...yet...come fight beside us, please....die bravely if thats all you can do.
Trained Response. "Mainstream Reflex." "Cultural Conditioning." "New Speech Patterns." Supernatural Plasmas. Fluid Flux State. Radiant Matter.
References and Bibliography ( Pp 222-230 )